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3390_10151044566612684_431775053_n_2Jackie Kent is a junior Journalism major at The University of Arizona, with a minor in Art History. She loves living in the Tucson desert, similar to her home in Huntington Beach, Calif.

Jackie Kent is a student media leader at The University of Arizona. She started as a reporter, fill-in anchor and production assistant for UATV 3, the University’s student-run television station. She earned her way to the general manager position for the 2012-2013 school year.

This past summer, Kent enjoyed her time as the consumer affairs intern at KABC-TV in Los Angeles. She also shadowed the health specialists, general news reporters and learned how to be effective in a top market newsroom.

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Kent has interned at two Tucson News stations: KGUN-9, the ABC affiliate, and Tucson News Now, Southern Arizona’s CBS and Fox stations. Through these internships, she was given many hands-on reporting skills, including setting up a live shot independently.

Kent sees reporting as an opportunity to have experiences and meet people she would not otherwise have the chance.